Joke # 177 - Mom's Train-ing Session

One day, a mother working in her kitchen hears her son playing with his electric trains in the living room.

She hears the train stop and her son says, "All you jerks who want off, get the heck off now because this is the last stop! All you morons who are getting on, get your butts on the train now. We're leaving!"

Mom goes into the living room and tells her son, "We don't act rude in this house. Now go to your room for an hour. When you come back, you may play with your trains as long as you're more polite."

An hour later, the mother is still working in the kitchen when her son comes out of his room and resumes playing with the trains.

The train stops again and she hears, "All passengers who are disembarking the train, please remember to take all your belongings. We thank you for riding with us today and hope your trip was a pleasant one. For those just boarding, we ask that you store your hand luggage under the seat and hope you enjoy your trip. For those of you who are ticked off about the hour delay, please see the hag in the kitchen.

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