Joke # 179 - Gravity for Dummies

Two idiots walk into a pet store. The first says, "I want four budgies."

The salesman replies, "Certainly sir, would you like two male and two female, or all male or all female?"

The idiot shouts back, "I don't care. I just want four budgies!"

The salesman, without loosing his cool, continues, "Very well sir, what color would you like them to be? We have yellow, blue, gr..."

The idiot interrupts, yelling, "I don't give a darn what color they are, just put four budgies in a box for me. Is that too hard?"

The salesman quickly grabs four birds from the budgie cages and shoves them into a pet carrier. The second idiot pulls out his wallet and pays for the birds, and then both idiots leave.

They drive out to a high cliff and the first idiot reaches in the box and pulls out two of the birds, grasps them firmly and jumps off the cliff while flapping his arms. He plummets like a rock and hits the bottom of the cliff with a loud SPAT.

The second idiot looks down at his friend's mangled remains and says, "Dang, this budgie jumping isn't all it's cracked up to be."

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